Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Whew!!  Where has this week gone?  I hate short weeks because usually they feel like anything but that!!!  So on lunch break today I had to get caught up and dream about being back to the weekend!!!

13 in 2013
Three down and 10 to go!!!  This past weekend I completed the Zooma - Amelia Island Half Marathon.  I had never heard of the Zooma series until i signed up a few weeks ago.  This race series is geared towards women.  I was honored to participate in their inaugural run in the beautiful Amelia Island!  The host hotel was the Ritz, so it was a very amazing weekend!  It is January in Florida (so i won't complain too  much!), but it was windy and a bit of a chilly start.  However, by mile 3, I shed the awesome Wal-Mart sweatshirt that I purchased the night before.  I am never one to really pay attention to the scenary when I run but i did notice it at the end.  We hit the sand for the last protion of the race.  The foam coming off the water was something to take your mind away from the 12 miles you had completed but the soft sand was definitely challenging!!!  You know it is a race geared toward the gals when there was not a clunky medal to put around your neck but a beautiful simple necklace and charm!!  Not to mention there were massages, yoga and stretching available as you finished!  It was an incredible race and our team enjoyed it so much we are looking for the next Zooma race to attend.  It appears that Annapolis on June 1 will fit the bill!!!  If you are able to join in a Zooma race near you or want to take an adventure, it is WELL worth it!  Here are a few pics from the adventure.  The first are a few of  the #badassbabes from Badass Fitness. The second is my best running buddy!  The third is of a high school friend who completed her first half marathon!  She is my hero!  She is a mom to three beautiful children and the wife to a service man who was just deployed overseas for one year to serve our awesome country!!

Whole 30
I am currently on Day 23!  I cannot believe I only have 7 more days to go!  These 23 days have changed my perspective on what I put in my mouth, how I relate to food and what I actually need to fuel my body!  As Day 30 comes, there might be a few things that I indulge in once in a while after a stressful day; however, I plan to keep this up as a lifestyle!  If you have been looking for something to truly change you from the inside out, I encourage you to take the challenge!  Grab the book "It Starts with Food," read it and see if you could take 30 days to see a difference in your life!  Those wondering what I can eat each day on such a strict diet...well let me tell you what this week looks like (I can tell you this because I now plan ahead and cook my meals....this is SHOCKING!!!)

Monday: scrambled egg with 2 chicken meat balls and an orange; sliced turkey, green beans and a sweet potato; Stuffed Pepper (thank you civilized caveman!!) and asparagus

Tuesday: egg scramble; grilled salmon with green beans, greens and an orange; beef roast, brussels sprouts and sweet potato

Wednesday: scrambled eggs with a kiwi; left over beef roast, brussels sprouts, sweet potato and a kiwi; spaghetti squash with meat sauce (be CAREFUL to read the labels on spaghetti sauce!!! WOW!). Also, did you know that kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange...random facts learned from Shannon C!

Thursday: Egg scramble and a sweet potato; grilled chicken, green beans, mashed cauliflower; pulled pork, green beans, mashed cauliflower or cumin carrots

Friday: Scrambled eggs with chicken meat balls and fruit; left over pulled pork, mashed cauli/carrots, green beans; salmon, kale, and sweet potato

I can say that my energy is out of this world!  I do still take energybits to add extra protein to my diet. This has shown me that i don't need my beloved Starbucks Chai, sodas or anything other than simple water with the proper foods to fuel my body!  I will say that occassionally after a workout, I eat the a LaraBar.  I choose either the cashew cookie or the chocolate/ date one.  Check the labels!  They are clean and a perfect booster!

I can't wait to do some measurements and photo comparisons when it is all over!!!  Here is to an awesome 2013 start with a Whole30 lifestyle change!

Run for God
I am having a blast walking through the Run for God Bible Study!  This week, I was able to join a young lady and do her walk/run routine for a day.  It is a great time to connect and bond with people in which you might not normally interact!  We have scheduled some future dates and I hope even more will join us!  It is awesome to get an email, text or facebook message of what running they have completed or how God is working on them through the study!  Each of that is an encouragement to me and a way that God just fills my soul with joy!  Together, we are all changing and asking God to do mighty works in our lives physically but more importantly...spiritually!

I adore music.  This morning I heard an old song that was the reminder I needed, maybe it will be something you need too:

All of You is more than enough for All of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me, with your love
And all I have in You, is more than enough

More than all i want, more than all I Need
You are more than enough for me!!!

Have a great rest of the week!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great write-up, Allison. The race sounds like it was everything you hoped for .... PLUS sand. :-) Proud of you, proud to call you a friend. Paula
