Friday, January 4, 2013

Day Four - The Fog or Football...

Whole 30 Challenge
 January 4 – Day Four

This timeline is a dream to let help me know what to expect on this 30 day journey from others that have walked the path before me!!  (

This morning when the alarm went off at 5:20 AM, I think it took a while for my brain to even understand what was happening.  I must say, some of this is absolutely self-induced beyond the Whole30.  It is Bowl season in College Football and I am an avid fan.  I also think this could be good…I realize some of my fog could be from the challenge but I am chalking it all up to late nights with football!  Hey, it helps me smile through it!

Today was the TRX Boot camp.  Knowing today could be a foggy day, I munched on a banana and had my energybits.  (side note: I use to take Spark every morning before working out, so this has been a definite adjustment!) Every time I enter one of these workouts, I believe that I will rock it and nail everything without much problem.  After a year, it is still as difficult and I still get sore.  It is AWESOME!  I must say, I did feel drained faster than normal during the workout.  Then, I wondered if I was psyching myself out and feeling that way.  Who knows, but it was an awesome full body workout!  Even more exciting, a friend joined me this AM!  I love when I get to expose other friends to torture this workout.  A new Badass Army Recruit has joined the team.

Success One: I had the egg scramble, I love it because I am not tired of this!!!  It is prepared ahead and works for several days.  I got a great recipe idea from Laura at boot camp for breakfast that I cannot wait to try!!!  Lunch got packed and I wasn’t running too late.

UH-OH! Today I am hungry!!  I obviously did not eat enough at breakfast and I am hungry!!!! I cannot go into my boss’ office because she has Worther’s Original and I cannot handle that right now!

Success Two:  God Bless lunch!  I had left over chili that is even better on the second day!  Please note; in the past, the words leftover, good and Allison NEVER went together!  I do not do left-overs.  This challenge has already broadened my horizon to not only eating left-overs but ENJOYING them!  I added my veggie of choice, asparagus and I was in heaven!!!! 

This is the first time this week, I have been hungry.  I have to adjust my meals!  I will find the balance! 

Success Three: I had sliced turkey, sweet potato and green beans.  This meal was awesome!  Fueling up before tomorrow.

I went to Publix to purchase some more sweet potatoes but they were out! AHHHH!!!!

I have to fuel well tonight because tomorrow I am excited to run my first half-marathon of 2013!!!  It is the Winter Runnerland Virtual Race.  I have to give a shout-out to Tammy Poucher.  She runs our chapter of “Moms Run This Town.”  She organized our run and has done awesome!  It will be the first time our group runs together.  I am a little nervous as my usual food and drink preparations for my races will be drastically different because of the challenge.  However, I am excited to let my body generate its own energy during the race.  I don’t need added sugar!  Right?  AHH!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading back over your blog to get ideas for meals next week, ha! Thanks for exposing me to "torture" and getting me in the BAA! I have never been more happy or proud of myself!
