Monday, April 15, 2013

Runner Lunges - You MUST have a focal point...and that reminds me...

The focal point … it makes all the difference!

I have known for a long time that I am a person who better understands things if there is a visual in which I can relate.  Throughout school math problems, science, chemistry and bible studies, if there was a visual that could connect the principle of what was being taught to my everyday world; I could remember it and apply it!

This continues in my adulthood.  Many times I can be doing everyday activities and God will use that as an opportunity to allow me to see his Word in a different way.

We just finished the Run for God Bible Study and it was wonderful for visual applications.  Running the Spiritual race really is parallel to running a physical race.  The mental and physical challenges are easily relatable. 

Today, I was at Bootcamp and we were doing runner lunges.  First of all, it is 6 AM.  Second, I am blonde.  Third, this requires balancing on one leg.  Yeah, that is pretty much three strikes against me! I simply could not seem to do the move.  Then our fearless leader made mention to find a focal point.  I knew the concept from many years of dance when I was younger.  So I found a screw in the wall in which to focus.  TA-DAH!  I could actually do the move!  When we switched legs, it took a little while to get use to the move again but I quickly gathered my balance and completed the task. 

It was about round two that God really begin to apply that to my life.  Scripture says in Hebrews 12:1-2 to “Let us run with perserverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus…”  He reminded me that so many times I have become comfortable with my walk and with my surroundings that I begin to put my focus on other things.  It is then that I wobble in my walk and that I quickly lose my balance in my life.  It is only when I am firmly focused on Jesus Christ that I can complete the task.  It doesn’t mean I won’t lose my balance or have some difficulty with my walk but it is easier when I am focused. 

Today my focus is to remember to keep my eyes on the prize set for me, Jesus Christ.  Work is crazy, social life is crazy, family activities are crazy but all can be balanced when Christ is firmly in my sites!  When He is given the proper place in my life, the rest falls into place! 

If I took just a moment to make sure that I have enough time with Him each day in the same manner that I focus on the amount of steps I take, the sleep I get, the food I physically eat or the workout I fit in then I know my spiritual life would be at peak performance! To not see growth and change in my spiritual life is because I have not properly focused on it in my life. 

I am so grateful when I have the opportunity to be “smacked” in the face with the realities of the Word! 

Loving this Monday!!  Let’s see what this awesome week has to offer!  Live it out loud!!!