Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Time to remember....What next!!!

It has been awhile since I posted, I am now stating the obvious!  Honestly, I just didn’t know what to say. 2013 has been incredible.  I have enjoyed hitting many of the goals that in which I set out to accomplish in the new year.  There is a group that I truly hold responsible for being encouragers and partners in the journey.  Many have blogs and are very well spoken. No need to duplicate what they have said…BUT I realized that I want something I can look back and focus on when I hit a wall, a plateau or feel unsatisfied with where I am!

Awhile back I had a post about a red suit!  I bought that suit almost two years ago and it was a little snug when purchased, extremely snug a few month later, then came the day in 2013 that it fit perfectly!  Today, I bid farewell to that little red suit.  I took it to the alterations location to have it taken up and they told me that it could be altered but would probably not fit right because TOO much needed to be removed.  WHAT???!!!  So, I loved that suit but it will have to find a new owner!  I refuse to keep it hanging in my closet!  I do not ever want to be able to wear it again! :)

As great as it can feel to step on a scale, wear a smaller size, fit in something that hasn't fit for awhile or reach a goal that you never thought possible; have you fallen into the trap of not seeing the change anymore?  I honestly believe Satan has such a power over women.  He uses their eyes to deceive them about their bodies.  Realizing that for so many ladies, their thoughts about their body controls every other aspect of their life.  He blinds us to the beauty that God created.  It is okay to want to eat healthy, to exercise and create a better vessel to honor God BUT it is NOT okay to mentally and physically tear down the beauty that God created in each of us!  It was during one of those tear down moments a couple weeks ago that I took the opportunity to do a comparison.  In the past 6-months, I have been focused on making sure that my body is a temple.  I wanted to honor it in a way that would be pleasing to the Lord.  For me, it meant changing my eating habits, getting back into running and remembering that the JOY of the Lord is my strength.  Six-months can make a remarkable difference….take a look:

The physical appearance is remarkable.  It was something that I needed to see!  However, I wish that there could be a picture of my soul.  It is repaired and springing forth with life that the picture can’t even begin to capture! 

I believe we should never stop learning or growing in who we are.  Physically, I have 5 more half marathons in 2013! I also just began a new journey.  It is called the Tabata Bootcamp.  I adore this group!  It is intense but we laugh and sweat together as we bond!  It has been two weeks but everyone is feeling and seeing the difference that little bursts of workouts can accomplish!  I look forward to the next 6-weeks and the transformation that will come!

Physically, I am enjoying every new accomplishment.  However, I do not want to neglect my spiritual journey!  It is the struggle that no one sees.  It is the part that I rarely allow people around me see crumble.  It is so easily capable of slipping and before you know it you are in a drought and not even sure where to find the water!  I want to be proactive and not rest!  I want to grow and never sit back and be pleased with where I am.  I want to GROW!  So…..I am currently on the hunt for a GREAT Bible Study.  I don’t even know what it is I want.  I just know that I need to seek and dig deeper into His Word.  If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know! 

Can you believe that Summer is upon us?  My sweet baby is finishing kindergarten, how can that be?  We are going to enjoy plenty of time by the pool and with family and friends!  I want to treasure every down moment with her!  I know that she will be grown before I want!  She is my heart, my mini-me!!  I believe she is going to enroll in her first Junior tri-athon and maybe find a swim team!  My sweet thing is a water bug with lots of energy!!  J

Here is to hoping that you find success today in each journey you face!  Seek Him daily, run after Him with the same ferver in which you aim for that physical goal!  Enjoy your day, Enjoy your week, Enjoy the month, Enjoy the year!  We are never promised the next breath, so live it OUT LOUD!