Thursday, January 3, 2013

Can I do this?

Hello world!

I find this bizarre that I am writing a blog!  I assure my life is busy but BORING!  My primary purpose for doing the blog is to have accountability measures in my physical and spiritual activities and a desire to keep a healthy lifestyle!  Also, as a way to capture how I was feeling through the process!

However; I guess if you are choosing to gander at this, I should let you know a little about who I am!

My loves are simple: Faith, Family and friends!

The title of my blog is Phil413Soul2Sole because the scripture Philippians 4:13 really does sum up my life!  “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” My Lord and Savior has helped me through the darkest times and allowed me to soar on His wings at the highest of highs. There are many times that I ran very far from God…I praise Him daily that He did not forsake me! Instead, He waited patiently for my rebellions to cease and for me to again seek Him!  He has accepted me back with loving arms…every time!  God is good all the time!!!

I have an amazing Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-law, 2 nephews and a niece!  They keep me grounded and laughing!  They are the reason I am who I am (good and bad! Ha).  I am married to the most patient, loving, sweet, understanding man God could have placed on this earth!!!!  We have been married 10 years and have one sweet, crazy, mini-me daughter!  I work crazy hours and I keep going 90 mph most of the time!  I could do nothing and would be nothing without the man God put in my life!

I have the most awesome friends on the planet!  They challenge, encourage, and teach me things all the time!  When I look back over the last few years, these friends have become more like family.  It is awesome to see scripture lived out…”a friend is closer than a brother.”

Over the last three years, I have developed a “liking” for running. It is an action that began out of a dire need to clear my mind and think through struggles, successes or issues.  My husband, ever the supportive one, would start with me!  I was lucky to get 200 feet before I thought I was going to die!  It had to be comical for anyone watching.  But he continued to support me.  Then after work, I would come home put on my shoes, grab my ipod and go.  I had downloaded the Couch25k plan and read it over.  Certainly, I could do that!  Luckily along with my husband, a friend was also learning to run!  Together, we were crazy enough to sign up for our first 5k and make our husbands join us.  Then we were hooked! It is good for my soul and it is good for my body!!  That is what I call a win/win! 

This past year, I continued running and added boot camp.  The group I joined, well the name fits them well, The Badass Army!!   When I started, the thought of doing “boy” push-ups was a dream!  As 2012 just completed, I can now do those and so much more!  The confidence and strength it has created is out of this world!  You should definitely check out our Drill Sgt and her website!  She is, in one word, AWESOME! (go ahead, check it out!  Her site is way cooler than this blog!...really, I'll wait for you to return!) Okay, welcome back...great site right???  I'll continue now!

So that brings us to this point!  A new year of goals!  I rarely make New Year’s Resolutions but this year I wanted to make them and make them public!  AHHH! 

Goal 1: Seek Christ and His goals for my life with a heart abandoned.  Make Him my focus and desire throughout all my other activities
Goal 2: Take time to realize the amazing blessing that are in my life daily.  Don’t take them for granted!
Goal 3: Complete 13 in 2013.  The goal is to complete 13 races (10k, half) in 2013.
Goal 4: Complete Whole 30 Challenge
Goal 5: Participate and Lead the “Run for God” Bible Study

This blog will just be my experiences through all of these.  I am definitely not paid or asked to promote any websites that will be seen.  If they helped me, I thought they might help or encourage you!  I am not any kind of expert in exercise or nutrition.  I am an average person trying to figure out this stuff like the next person!  Sometimes with success and sometimes failure surrounded by a comedy of errors!!!  All of it makes me better and makes me able to relate to others!  God can use any of my professed “mess-ups” to lead people and draw people to Him! 

So here goes my journey!!!


  1. Good Job my Best Running Friend!!

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere!!!!! Your personality shines through your writing. I loved reading about all of your goals and achievements, and I am excited about what you and Mitzi are doing with Run for God. And there was something else I read in one of the other posts that I wanted to comment on but I am blanking on what it was. :-) :-)

    So I'll stop here for now. Thanks for this introduction -- sometimes we don't get to all these cool details in between all the burpees and tabatas. :-)

