Thursday, January 10, 2013

Run for God Kickoff!

Run for God
January 10 – Day 1
Tonight is the night!!!!  I am very excited about what God has already done with this Bible Study!  We have ….get ready for this…74 people signed up to come tonight!  I am beyond amazed at God’s mighty blessings on this!  We had to move the meeting location to the sanctuary of the church to hold the group!

The thought for the week is: ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!  Everyone is an athlete.  But some of us are training and some of us are not.

I truly believe that God has been challenging me for some time to stretch farther in my walk for Him.  It is Him saying, “Allison, you can do anything through me.  You just choose not to.  Go ahead; Accept the challenge and the hardness that comes with it and let me show you great and mighty things!”  So I look forward to this journey and many more that will come my way! 

How about you, Will you accept the challenge?  I am not sure what that looks like in your life but I just know that with Christ, it is absolutely doable!

Whole 30 Challenge
 January 10 – Day 7-10

The challenge is actually working out quite well for me!  I know that I have only completed a week and half but there are already results. 

1.      I am still a bit nervous about going out to eat or getting off of my planned and prepared foods.  I am in control when I cook and prepare my meals!
2.      THE DREAMS!  I thought this was a joke when I read about them in the book.  Who dreams about food.  Well, it is not!  I have had two!  The first one, I was locked in my office eating as much chocolate as I could shovel in.  Imagine Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory scene!  The other one, I don’t remember as clearly but you wake up feeling guilty and upset.  It is amazing the psychological effect food has on us!!
3.      I might be a little moody around 3 PM!  This is when I usually have a regular sugar/cookie/chocolate break each day.  This has been the hardest habit to break.  I have not cheated but I drink a lot of water at 3…and maybe just avoid me for about an hour! J

1.      I do have more energy.  There still are days that I am dragging but overall I am feeling great.
2.      Cooking – Y’all, I thought this would kill me.  Actually, it is the time I most enjoy!  Sometimes the food is edible but not fantastic but overall it has been a really fun thing!
3.      Clothing – well I am already feeling results in the clothing department.  As processed foods have been eliminated, it has done just what the book said.  I am not bloated anymore.  I am seeing changes.  I hate I didn’t take before pictures!  But girls, you know that we realize when those pants fit better!  I haven’t tried on my “really-skinny” skirt yet.  You know the one that I could fit into one time for about 20 minutes but it has become the outfit that will wear again. I will keep you posted when I go to THAT hanger in the closet!  My husband will shutter!   
4.      Okay so this is embarrassing… I will be as simple as I can.  I have always struggled with bathroom issues.  ALWAYS!  For the first time, that is not an issue.  I now understand what it means to be regular! J
5.       When I started, it was a countdown.  How many more days until I can enjoy a starbucks or have ice cream.  My mind has changed on this issue.  I realize there will be times when those items will be eaten BUT I really want to incorporate this in my everyday living.  I don’t NEED that stuff.  Not to mention; the results I have seen, it was holding me back from who I wanted to be!

Success One: I am super stoked as I am not known for being a picky eater but I had never tried spaghetti squash.  I have never been one to eat winter squashes.  But this week, I put the entire spaghetti squash in the crockpot on my way to work.  It cooked all day.  I got home, cut it in half, removed the seeds and then used a fork to remove it.  You use the fork as if you were pulling a pork roast apart to make pulled pork.  It really does resemble spaghetti.  I put a little olive oil, salt and pepper and I had a dish.  It doesn’t really have any flavor.  So I look forward to using that with various sauces.  Overall, it was a success and I look forward to trying other new foods!!!

Success Two: This week I really wanted to do something different in my workout.  So I went to a spin class.  How many of you have done a spin class?  Well it is not my favorite workout.  It is hardcore and it is a GREAT workout.  But let’s be honest, after a workout, sitting is not exactly the most pleasant experience.  It is my understanding this passes, we will see!  I had also hoped to join a Hot Core class.  I am completely bummed that I had to miss that class.  The day got away from me!  But I plan to make it next week! 

13 in 2013
I have another half marathon next week in Amelia Island.  I need to get in one last long run this weekend.  I found that the big running club here, Gulfwinds Track Club,  is having a 15/30k race on Saturday!  This is perfect!  I can log another race onto my goal of 13 in 2013 while meeting my need for a long run!  WHOOHOO!! 

On a final note, I love when God sends you a bonus in the week!  This week I got a FB message from a friend I knew when I lived in Gainesville.  She totally encouraged me and rocked my world.  She has some big goals and plans for this year and Satan is really trying to defeat her by destroying her confidence!  It was great to see how I had encouraged her through various FB posts.  I praised God for the lift that I needed today and committed to praying for her and checking in to see how she does!  God is good, all the time!

Have an awesome day!!  I can’t wait to report how the Bible Study goes tonight!!!!


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