Monday, February 4, 2013

Finally - WHOLE 30 - round one review!

Well I was hoping to do a wrap up of my first Whole 30 adventure complete with weight, measurements and pics.  I am quite frustrated with my gym.  They took my measurements just a bit before the whole 30….okay so maybe it was a couple of months but I hadn’t really seen or felt a change since then.  I have reached out everyday since and they have not been able to accommodate my request. 

If I get that info I will pass it along.  But here goes the rest!

Over a 30 day period I lost a total of…..16 pounds!!  That’s right!!!  I cannot tell you how amazing that feels!  I have been actively watching my weight and exercising regularly for over a year.  I lost a significant amount of weight about 3 years ago…however, it was not done in a healthy manner.  Post that time, I have put the weight back on.  I reached almost my high weight again late last year and I was devastated. 

The awesome thing about losing the weight is that I do not feel like I am starving or depriving my body of anything.  I eat and I eat a lot of wonderful items!  I realize now just how wonderful vegetables and fruit taste!!!  I can resist with ease my daughters French fries and mac and cheese. When I have gone to a restaurant, I am no longer embarrassed to request my foods with my restrictions and changes.  They don’t seem to mind accommodating those needs!  Oh right, I am the one paying for the food!!! 

I feel the largest difference in my waist, hips and tushy!!  I see the change all over but when you slide on those pants or skirt without any fear that the zipper or buttoning of them will cause great discomfort it is a monumental event!  My only complaint, I need to go shopping!!  My pants look like I am playing dress- up!!  J I have decided to wait a bit longer and make certain that changes I have made in my diet will also maintain the weight loss I have seen.  

I have reached my goal.  I do not know anyone who doesn’t think they would like to lose just 5 more pounds but I am happy with where I am.  I want to see some more definition to my muscle and continue to see my aerobic workouts change my body but I am content with the number on the scale! 

This has truly transformed my life.  This weekend was my first “off program” weekend.  I was still very careful as to what I ate but I did have dessert and some other items.  Can I be honest? I realized how badly they make my body feel.  I felt bloated and knew what the cause of it was.  As I woke up the next morning, I didn’t even think twice as to my commitment to make this a lifestyle change.  So I began my Whole30-round 2 today!!

This is not a fad diet, this is not some starve yourself or eliminate foods for a short period of time that is not sustainable. This program is designed to transform your thinking, desires and needs for foods.  If you will give 30 days to the program, you will see the difference.  You will feel better, you will better understand your body and how food interacts with you body, mind and soul.

I look forward to seeing what the next 30 days hold.  Have you taken the challenge?  Would you be interested?

Here is some information  that will help you learn the ropes!

Book: “It Starts with Food”

I hope to have full measurements available soon…and if I am brave enough, I will post the pics!! J

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