Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Whew!!  Where has this week gone?  I hate short weeks because usually they feel like anything but that!!!  So on lunch break today I had to get caught up and dream about being back to the weekend!!!

13 in 2013
Three down and 10 to go!!!  This past weekend I completed the Zooma - Amelia Island Half Marathon.  I had never heard of the Zooma series until i signed up a few weeks ago.  This race series is geared towards women.  I was honored to participate in their inaugural run in the beautiful Amelia Island!  The host hotel was the Ritz, so it was a very amazing weekend!  It is January in Florida (so i won't complain too  much!), but it was windy and a bit of a chilly start.  However, by mile 3, I shed the awesome Wal-Mart sweatshirt that I purchased the night before.  I am never one to really pay attention to the scenary when I run but i did notice it at the end.  We hit the sand for the last protion of the race.  The foam coming off the water was something to take your mind away from the 12 miles you had completed but the soft sand was definitely challenging!!!  You know it is a race geared toward the gals when there was not a clunky medal to put around your neck but a beautiful simple necklace and charm!!  Not to mention there were massages, yoga and stretching available as you finished!  It was an incredible race and our team enjoyed it so much we are looking for the next Zooma race to attend.  It appears that Annapolis on June 1 will fit the bill!!!  If you are able to join in a Zooma race near you or want to take an adventure, it is WELL worth it!  Here are a few pics from the adventure.  The first are a few of  the #badassbabes from Badass Fitness. The second is my best running buddy!  The third is of a high school friend who completed her first half marathon!  She is my hero!  She is a mom to three beautiful children and the wife to a service man who was just deployed overseas for one year to serve our awesome country!!

Whole 30
I am currently on Day 23!  I cannot believe I only have 7 more days to go!  These 23 days have changed my perspective on what I put in my mouth, how I relate to food and what I actually need to fuel my body!  As Day 30 comes, there might be a few things that I indulge in once in a while after a stressful day; however, I plan to keep this up as a lifestyle!  If you have been looking for something to truly change you from the inside out, I encourage you to take the challenge!  Grab the book "It Starts with Food," read it and see if you could take 30 days to see a difference in your life!  Those wondering what I can eat each day on such a strict diet...well let me tell you what this week looks like (I can tell you this because I now plan ahead and cook my meals....this is SHOCKING!!!)

Monday: scrambled egg with 2 chicken meat balls and an orange; sliced turkey, green beans and a sweet potato; Stuffed Pepper (thank you civilized caveman!!) and asparagus

Tuesday: egg scramble; grilled salmon with green beans, greens and an orange; beef roast, brussels sprouts and sweet potato

Wednesday: scrambled eggs with a kiwi; left over beef roast, brussels sprouts, sweet potato and a kiwi; spaghetti squash with meat sauce (be CAREFUL to read the labels on spaghetti sauce!!! WOW!). Also, did you know that kiwi has more vitamin C than an orange...random facts learned from Shannon C!

Thursday: Egg scramble and a sweet potato; grilled chicken, green beans, mashed cauliflower; pulled pork, green beans, mashed cauliflower or cumin carrots

Friday: Scrambled eggs with chicken meat balls and fruit; left over pulled pork, mashed cauli/carrots, green beans; salmon, kale, and sweet potato

I can say that my energy is out of this world!  I do still take energybits to add extra protein to my diet. This has shown me that i don't need my beloved Starbucks Chai, sodas or anything other than simple water with the proper foods to fuel my body!  I will say that occassionally after a workout, I eat the a LaraBar.  I choose either the cashew cookie or the chocolate/ date one.  Check the labels!  They are clean and a perfect booster!

I can't wait to do some measurements and photo comparisons when it is all over!!!  Here is to an awesome 2013 start with a Whole30 lifestyle change!

Run for God
I am having a blast walking through the Run for God Bible Study!  This week, I was able to join a young lady and do her walk/run routine for a day.  It is a great time to connect and bond with people in which you might not normally interact!  We have scheduled some future dates and I hope even more will join us!  It is awesome to get an email, text or facebook message of what running they have completed or how God is working on them through the study!  Each of that is an encouragement to me and a way that God just fills my soul with joy!  Together, we are all changing and asking God to do mighty works in our lives physically but more importantly...spiritually!

I adore music.  This morning I heard an old song that was the reminder I needed, maybe it will be something you need too:

All of You is more than enough for All of me
For every thirst and every need
You satisfy me, with your love
And all I have in You, is more than enough

More than all i want, more than all I Need
You are more than enough for me!!!

Have a great rest of the week!!!! 

Friday, January 18, 2013

Run for God - Live the difference, people are watching

Run for God
I am so excited about this group!  I promise to get a group photo up soon!!  Mitzi started off by telling the story of why she started running.  I love to hear why people begin this journey because it is different for every single person!  No story is alike.  It mimics very much our Christian walk.  The way that Christ calls us, the life we were in before we were saved, our journey with Christ since we have been saved all vary and show God's mighty ability to care for each of us individually!  Our God is so much bigger than my small brain can begin to comprehend! 

If you would like to join in on the Scriptures we studied, see below:
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
* Prior to this verse it describes that Paul would do whatever it takes to reach people for Christ. 
Many times people view this as there is only one winner.  However, the race we are running for Christ is not comparable to anyone else.  This race is with yourself.  It competes against what God knows you can be and what limits we place on our self.  Run with a purpose, run with focus, run and do not allow your doubt and lack of faith to disqualify you from the race!

2 Timothy 4:1-8
*key is verse 7
However, to say we have fought the good fight, we have finished the race, we must know what the fight is!
We are fighting for the crown that Christ will give us at the end of our journey. We are fighting against Satan who will come in and try to discourage us and those around us.  We must be prepared, we must preach the gosepel, we must be willing to love the Lord enough to help stand by those struggling in their walk and guide them and encourage them.  We must be willing to give up our self in order to glorify the Father...then we have kept our eye on the "finish line" called heaven.  Then we will have fought the fight and run the race with purpose.  Not allowing Satan's Distractions to side track us from the task at hand!

Hebrews 12:1-3
* Who for the joy set before him endured the cross
This part of the verse jumped out at me this week.  How Jesus Christ could have joy knowing the cross was before Him amazes me!  It is also a challenge.  We might all face difficult times but we are not facing the death in which Christ endured.  Therefore, i must realize that although I might be in the middle of a struggle, tired and weary, i must realize that Christ found joy in his circumstances.  We must also do the same!  We must fix our eyes on Jesus Christ - he is the finish line.  Keep the focus and the rest become simple sideline activities that we can run past and choose to engage in or not.  But do not stop, for if you do, you will miss the finish line and the medal that awaits you!

This was a great study as this week I am tired and weary.  I had to readjust and make certain where my focus was.  I am not sure it was where it should have been! As we begin to live the difference, realize that even when you might not see it, people are watching.  God will allow people to join in and encourage you along the way!  Take those nuggets and keep moving forward!  It is like the gatorade or water your receive on the race!  It is just enough to keep you going!!  Go, Run, Finish!!!!

At the end, we had the owner of Shaw's Shoe Store come in and speak to the group about proper shoes and socks for their activity level!  He was AWESOME!!!  It was so useful and informative!!! 

Overall, the night was fantastic and I look forward to next week!

Up next on the blog, Amelia Island Zooma Run!!!!  I cannot wait!! We leave this afternoon and i just know it is going to be amazing!!!!  Can't wait to report!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Whole 30 Challenge - The Dark Red Suit

Whole 30 Challenge

I have now completed two weeks of the Whole 30 Challenge.  It has been interesting as people around me begin to find out I am on a program.  Let’s see I have had eye rolling, been somewhat mocked for doing the latest “fad,” and been asked tons of questions!   I just chuckle because this is a quiet journey for me.  A journey to listen to my body, see what it is telling me.  The questions are awesome! 

The main question is, “What do you eat if you can’t have _____?”  The answer is quite simple; I can eat a ton of things!  I am not eating rabbit food all day long, actually quite the opposite!  I have NOT had a salad ONCE in the last 15 days!  Instead, I am enjoying experimenting with an array of vegetables that I never thought about trying!  It amazes me because I am not a picky eater, I really enjoy veggies!  Who knew there were so many that I had yet encountered!

The other question is, “Why are you trying to lose weight?” This journey really wasn’t about the weight loss.  It was about achieving my goal of a healthier me.  I was conquering the physical activities with a vengeance; however, I knew that I lacked the truly healthy eating side of my life.  This is a chance for me to see if I have the willpower to overcome my addiction to sugar and the comfort foods that hold me back!  I am discovering that I do!  As I conquer them, I realize I do not want to go back to that!  It is more than a 30 day challenge…it is a lifetime challenge!

I had an interesting question yesterday, “Have you really craved something…like ice cream?”  I really had to think about that.  There have been times when I have smelled a cookie baking or the pizza at a restaurant and my mind fills with wonder at what that taste would be like.  And last Thursday when it was the revival of ice cream Thursday in the office, I honestly just avoided the gathering because I didn’t know if my will power could take it that day.  But overall, I am not hungry. I am listening to my body that I do not have to feed it out of boredom or old habits. Fruit has become sweeter and meets the desire for my little (okay BIG) sweet tooth.  I see where I have come and I don’t want to go back!  Why???  Well funny you ask….

Because there is the dark red suit.  No, not Santa Claus!  About 2 years ago, when traveling with work, I stopped by a store and purchased two suits.  At the time, they fit but a little on the snug side for my liking!  The salesperson, being good at her job, successfully talked me into purchasing them both.  Truth is, I have never worn either suit.  And over the past two years, I would put them on in absolute disgust.  At one point, the skirt would zip but heaven knows I would not have sat down!  There have been times that the suits have been placed in the pile to go to Goodwill.  However, I am too frugal and prideful to allow that money to go to waste.  I knew that I would reach my goal of fitting back into those suits.  Not just squeezing in them like a sausage but they could and one day would fit in the manner I like!  Well today I decided to just see how close I was to being able to meet that goal.  Well…..I am wearing the suit to work today!!!!! 

So there have been weight loss benefits along the way.  Although not the MAIN focus along this journey, it is an incredible energizer when you are tired or that piece of chocolate starts calling your name. 

I am looking forward to the abundant energy that has been touting to come and remain in week three!  It definitely has been the roller coaster of energy!  On those mornings, when I hit the wall and I don’t want to get out of bed but I roll out and make it to the 6 AM torture…I mean bootcamp, the energy does come.  I know it is because the blood gets flowing.  BUT I also look at it as my body is screaming out to me, “YES, YOU CAN!!” 

So I will not give up on my body, I will not go back!  This, much like running, is such a mirror for my spiritual life right now!  I know where I was, I didn’t like it, so why would I want to go back there!!  Move ahead, move forward, one day at a time!!!

Here is to another dark red suit moment!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Run for God Kickoff!

Run for God
January 10 – Day 1
Tonight is the night!!!!  I am very excited about what God has already done with this Bible Study!  We have ….get ready for this…74 people signed up to come tonight!  I am beyond amazed at God’s mighty blessings on this!  We had to move the meeting location to the sanctuary of the church to hold the group!

The thought for the week is: ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE!  Everyone is an athlete.  But some of us are training and some of us are not.

I truly believe that God has been challenging me for some time to stretch farther in my walk for Him.  It is Him saying, “Allison, you can do anything through me.  You just choose not to.  Go ahead; Accept the challenge and the hardness that comes with it and let me show you great and mighty things!”  So I look forward to this journey and many more that will come my way! 

How about you, Will you accept the challenge?  I am not sure what that looks like in your life but I just know that with Christ, it is absolutely doable!

Whole 30 Challenge
 January 10 – Day 7-10

The challenge is actually working out quite well for me!  I know that I have only completed a week and half but there are already results. 

1.      I am still a bit nervous about going out to eat or getting off of my planned and prepared foods.  I am in control when I cook and prepare my meals!
2.      THE DREAMS!  I thought this was a joke when I read about them in the book.  Who dreams about food.  Well, it is not!  I have had two!  The first one, I was locked in my office eating as much chocolate as I could shovel in.  Imagine Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory scene!  The other one, I don’t remember as clearly but you wake up feeling guilty and upset.  It is amazing the psychological effect food has on us!!
3.      I might be a little moody around 3 PM!  This is when I usually have a regular sugar/cookie/chocolate break each day.  This has been the hardest habit to break.  I have not cheated but I drink a lot of water at 3…and maybe just avoid me for about an hour! J

1.      I do have more energy.  There still are days that I am dragging but overall I am feeling great.
2.      Cooking – Y’all, I thought this would kill me.  Actually, it is the time I most enjoy!  Sometimes the food is edible but not fantastic but overall it has been a really fun thing!
3.      Clothing – well I am already feeling results in the clothing department.  As processed foods have been eliminated, it has done just what the book said.  I am not bloated anymore.  I am seeing changes.  I hate I didn’t take before pictures!  But girls, you know that we realize when those pants fit better!  I haven’t tried on my “really-skinny” skirt yet.  You know the one that I could fit into one time for about 20 minutes but it has become the outfit that will wear again. I will keep you posted when I go to THAT hanger in the closet!  My husband will shutter!   
4.      Okay so this is embarrassing… I will be as simple as I can.  I have always struggled with bathroom issues.  ALWAYS!  For the first time, that is not an issue.  I now understand what it means to be regular! J
5.       When I started, it was a countdown.  How many more days until I can enjoy a starbucks or have ice cream.  My mind has changed on this issue.  I realize there will be times when those items will be eaten BUT I really want to incorporate this in my everyday living.  I don’t NEED that stuff.  Not to mention; the results I have seen, it was holding me back from who I wanted to be!

Success One: I am super stoked as I am not known for being a picky eater but I had never tried spaghetti squash.  I have never been one to eat winter squashes.  But this week, I put the entire spaghetti squash in the crockpot on my way to work.  It cooked all day.  I got home, cut it in half, removed the seeds and then used a fork to remove it.  You use the fork as if you were pulling a pork roast apart to make pulled pork.  It really does resemble spaghetti.  I put a little olive oil, salt and pepper and I had a dish.  It doesn’t really have any flavor.  So I look forward to using that with various sauces.  Overall, it was a success and I look forward to trying other new foods!!!

Success Two: This week I really wanted to do something different in my workout.  So I went to a spin class.  How many of you have done a spin class?  Well it is not my favorite workout.  It is hardcore and it is a GREAT workout.  But let’s be honest, after a workout, sitting is not exactly the most pleasant experience.  It is my understanding this passes, we will see!  I had also hoped to join a Hot Core class.  I am completely bummed that I had to miss that class.  The day got away from me!  But I plan to make it next week! 

13 in 2013
I have another half marathon next week in Amelia Island.  I need to get in one last long run this weekend.  I found that the big running club here, Gulfwinds Track Club,  is having a 15/30k race on Saturday!  This is perfect!  I can log another race onto my goal of 13 in 2013 while meeting my need for a long run!  WHOOHOO!! 

On a final note, I love when God sends you a bonus in the week!  This week I got a FB message from a friend I knew when I lived in Gainesville.  She totally encouraged me and rocked my world.  She has some big goals and plans for this year and Satan is really trying to defeat her by destroying her confidence!  It was great to see how I had encouraged her through various FB posts.  I praised God for the lift that I needed today and committed to praying for her and checking in to see how she does!  God is good, all the time!

Have an awesome day!!  I can’t wait to report how the Bible Study goes tonight!!!!


Monday, January 7, 2013

Prayer, Performance and Power

Well the weekend began on a rather sad note for our church family.  Our Youth Pastor, Tom Burke, has been fighting a very long battle with cancer.  His earthly battle ended early Saturday morning and he now has a completely healed and strong body in Heaven. 

Also, a sweet friend from high school would be saying goodbye to her husband for a year as he was being deployed overseas.  My heart just broke for her and her three sweet children.  I am always so amazed at Military Families!!

With the Burke family, The Akers and so many of our sweet youth and their families on my mind, it was a perfect day to begin the #13in2013 challenge. 

Performance -13 in 2013
One of my goals this year was to complete 13 races in 2013; they were to consist of 10k, 15k or half marathons.  Our Moms Run This Town group had signed up to run in the "Winter Runnerland" Virtual Half Marathon on January 5.  Our organizer, Tammy Poucher, did an awesome job setting up and executing the run!!  (We had running bibs and a photographer at the end!!!)

I was a bit nervous as this would be my first race on the #whole30.  First, it was COLD (37 degrees...okay that is cold for Florida!!). More so,  I would not be able to do my normal race day morning eating routine!  But no complaining, just success!!!

Success One: Egg scramble and a banana to get some energy in the body!  I also had a banana and other fruit ready for the completion of the race! 

The race went awesome! We were on the St. Marks trail which is a nice flat course.  It is a beautiful scenic route, perfect for a morning of prayer for so many in need!  I completed the half in 2:05.  I actually felt pretty great!  Around mile 9, I was missing my sport beans.  However, more for an activity to do while running, then the need for energy.  I actually believe this #whole30 thing can be complete life-changer for me!

First race for 2013 is in the books! Next race is January 19 in Amelia Island!  I cannot wait for the Ritz, the run and the brunch following!!  BRING IT ON!!

Well I knew the day would come, I am far too social to live in a cocoon for long!  I received an invite to go to a friend's house for a cookout.  OH NO!  I don't want to look like a freak but am I ready for this?  I went in with a strong will and determined attitude!  Praise God!  It was a success!  I will not say it was easy, there were scalloped potatoes, garlic bread and a cake that looked amazing!  I DID IT!!!!!  WOOT, that was not a hard core workout but that was very #fistbump worthy!!

Closing out the weekend was awesome, I was able to watch a sweet girl (one of my sweet friend's daughter) be baptized!  There is nothing more precious than seeing a child accept Christ!  Just gives me chills!  Then, Shannon ( met several of us at EarthFare to point out foods to strengthen us and those that could detour us from our healthy living goals!  It was awesome!  My favorite part of the night, my entire family in the kitchen preparing food for the week!  We laughed, we cooked, we bonded!  I LOVE that #whole30 has challenged me and now I am reaping so many more blessings than just healthy eating!

I will end as i started.  Thursday begins our "Run for God" Bible Study (  We have 63 people signed up!!  God is soo good!  Praying for a great class that draws each of us closer to God as we seek Him and seek a healthier lifestyle!

Please join me in praying for the Burke family and the Fellowship Baptist church family.  Tom's funeral will be Wednesday. 

Have a strong week!  I had a sweet friend send me a text this morning with such an awesome quote that I must end with it:

"It is senseless to be physically fit and have a broken spirit.  You can't cover up a shattered self esteem.  Face your self and get healthy from the inside out."

Friday, January 4, 2013

Day Four - The Fog or Football...

Whole 30 Challenge
 January 4 – Day Four

This timeline is a dream to let help me know what to expect on this 30 day journey from others that have walked the path before me!!  (

This morning when the alarm went off at 5:20 AM, I think it took a while for my brain to even understand what was happening.  I must say, some of this is absolutely self-induced beyond the Whole30.  It is Bowl season in College Football and I am an avid fan.  I also think this could be good…I realize some of my fog could be from the challenge but I am chalking it all up to late nights with football!  Hey, it helps me smile through it!

Today was the TRX Boot camp.  Knowing today could be a foggy day, I munched on a banana and had my energybits.  (side note: I use to take Spark every morning before working out, so this has been a definite adjustment!) Every time I enter one of these workouts, I believe that I will rock it and nail everything without much problem.  After a year, it is still as difficult and I still get sore.  It is AWESOME!  I must say, I did feel drained faster than normal during the workout.  Then, I wondered if I was psyching myself out and feeling that way.  Who knows, but it was an awesome full body workout!  Even more exciting, a friend joined me this AM!  I love when I get to expose other friends to torture this workout.  A new Badass Army Recruit has joined the team.

Success One: I had the egg scramble, I love it because I am not tired of this!!!  It is prepared ahead and works for several days.  I got a great recipe idea from Laura at boot camp for breakfast that I cannot wait to try!!!  Lunch got packed and I wasn’t running too late.

UH-OH! Today I am hungry!!  I obviously did not eat enough at breakfast and I am hungry!!!! I cannot go into my boss’ office because she has Worther’s Original and I cannot handle that right now!

Success Two:  God Bless lunch!  I had left over chili that is even better on the second day!  Please note; in the past, the words leftover, good and Allison NEVER went together!  I do not do left-overs.  This challenge has already broadened my horizon to not only eating left-overs but ENJOYING them!  I added my veggie of choice, asparagus and I was in heaven!!!! 

This is the first time this week, I have been hungry.  I have to adjust my meals!  I will find the balance! 

Success Three: I had sliced turkey, sweet potato and green beans.  This meal was awesome!  Fueling up before tomorrow.

I went to Publix to purchase some more sweet potatoes but they were out! AHHHH!!!!

I have to fuel well tonight because tomorrow I am excited to run my first half-marathon of 2013!!!  It is the Winter Runnerland Virtual Race.  I have to give a shout-out to Tammy Poucher.  She runs our chapter of “Moms Run This Town.”  She organized our run and has done awesome!  It will be the first time our group runs together.  I am a little nervous as my usual food and drink preparations for my races will be drastically different because of the challenge.  However, I am excited to let my body generate its own energy during the race.  I don’t need added sugar!  Right?  AHH!!!

Day 3 - Whole Challenge

Whole 30 Challenge
January 3 – Day Three
Well I am tired this morning but that is because I stayed up WAY to late watching football.  It was like a bad wreck in which I could not turn. So the alarm today did not find a spunky burst of energy from me!  I located the SNOOZE….several times!  Finally up and moving….

Success One: Egg scramble prepared yesterday and ½ sweet potato are in a to-go container for breakfast.  Lunch of left over stew, broccoli and an orange are in a lunch tote!

I did get a little hungry at 10:30 AM but then I got busy on a project and when I looked it was 12:30 PM! 

Success Two: Left over stew, orange and kiwi! 
I had the chance to eat lunch with a friend at the office and catch up!  We discussed how much money I would be saving on this new bring your healthy lunch plan! J

It is so nasty here today!  Rainy and cold…for Florida!  So the run I was going to do today will have to move to the gym.  Am I the only one who does not like a treadmill!  It is the longest workout ever!!!  But no whining!  It is to be done!

Success Three: Civilized Caveman Chili and asparagus!  The chili was a success!  This will definitely be going as left overs for lunch tomorrow.  Might need to find some other spices, but Martha better watch her back!  J Hubby had to work late so my daughter and I enjoyed a meal together!  She thinks this is so fun….yep, I might be Martha and Mother of the year!

Today was a good #whole30 day! 

A friend of mine and I are preparing for a new 12-week Bible Study at our church called Run for God. ( We were introduced to this Bible Study at the Peachtree Roadrace Expo earlier this year.  It is a Bible study designed to strengthen your spiritual run while teaching you how to physically run.  The goal is to have people complete a 5k at the end of the 12-weeks.  Our church will begin the program on January 10.  We had hoped that people would want to join in on this adventure…as of today, we have over 40 people signed up!  God is so awesome!!  He constantly shows me where I lack in my faith!  I look forward to seeing what God does with this Bible Study and this group!  2013 is going to be AWESOME!!

Oh man!!  College Football has once again sucked me into its evil grip!  I have my TRX workout tomorrow morning at 6 AM.  It is going to be brutal getting up!!  Has anyone tried TRX?  I have never had something so challenging in a little strap!  GREAT workout!  (

Another successful day!!  Here’s to a fit and fabulous 2013!

Day 2 - Whole 30 Challenge

Whole 30 Challenge
 January 2 – Day Two
Today I had to return to work.  We all knew this day would come but it has been such a great break!  I sprung out of bed feeling 110% better!  I knew I had to get breakfast made and in the oven and then do the daily tasks of getting my sweet child (who is not so sweet in the morning) up and ready for her school!

Success One: I made an egg scramble with 10 eggs, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes and mushrooms.  In the oven and it looked awesome!  (recipe from Also, stirred the stew that had been cooking on low all night long!  (I love the crockpot!!!) It smelled divine! I had one “square” of the egg scramble and ½ a sweet potato for breakfast.  Then packed beef stew, celery and a kiwi for lunch.  I think I might have reached Martha Stewart level!

I managed to do all of that, get ready, get the lil bit ready and out the door by 7:30 am.  This might be a miracle!! J  Forget Martha, I might be at Joan Clever level!!!

**side note: Let me add one item I take every morning that I really think helps me a lot.  Have you heard of energy bits???  Oh my!!  These things are little bits of algae.  HOLD ON!!!  They are tiny pills.  You take 10 in the morning…they are all natural and really give you quite a pep!  Full of protein.  One suggestion, just take them as quick as possible and DO NOT smell them!!  Fish bait has nothing on these puppies!!!  But I promise they have been a lifesaver!  (

Off to the office!  It was awesome to see everyone!  I LOVE my job and my office!  It should be illegal to have as much fun as we do at work! 

Success Two: I warmed up my stew!  I was so anticipating my first bite of this stuff.  Scared how it would taste….it was….YUMMY!!  Very filling and then I had some celery and the kiwi!  Lordy, I love kiwi!!  (oh and 10 more energy bits!!!)

After work, I had a goal of grabbing a couple items to make some banana “bread” that the #badassCEO made and let us try at the bootcamp!  It was OHMYGAWHGOOD!  And I was feeling rather good about my successful Stew, so certainly I could tackle this baking thing! Three stores later I finally located coconut flour (there is obviously a 30 day challenge happening in our town!)

Success Three:  Fresh broccoli in the steamer and stew ready for dinner.  We all sat down and discussed the day and had a dinner at OUR TABLE!!  This is miraculous!!!  I might win an award as mother of the day…or something, right?

Then on to preparing for the next day!  Buffalo/Beef chili was put in the crockpot!  I am very curious about this recipe!  Can’t wait for dinner tomorrow!  Then my daughter and I were going to make the banana bread!  Ingredients in, mixed, looks good and in the oven.  On to watch the Florida Gators play in the Sugar Bowl….What a disaster!  I will stop before I get all fired up!
The bread is done!  I am not one to wait…I cut into it.  My hubby said it was great….    It was NOT the same as the OHMYGAWHGOOD  I tasted the day before…it was dry.  So maybe a complete Martha Stewart I am not…yet!  I will conquer this baking thing!

Today has been good!  No crazy cravings, I remained full all day! 

Here Goes - Hello, Whole 30 Challenge!

And so the journey begins!  I actually began the Whole 30 Challenge on January 1st.  I was just keeping a journal of what i ate and how it was going.  I have now put that in a blog form.  So i will get caught up on the days here.  I look forward to any feedback or help through the challenge, especially in the cooking arena!! :)

Whole 30 Challenge
January 1 – Day One
Today is the day!  I have challenged myself to complete the Whole 30 Challenge – Whole 9 Life. Several of us that workout together have decided to see how it goes!  No better time to start then January 1!!!

My goal had been to shop yesterday and have everything ready to go for today.  That was a great plan.  It just didn’t happen.  So I am starting a bit behind the 8 ball.  Last night, I completed reading the main portions of  “It’s All About Food.”  So I woke up this morning ready to face the challenge. 

First thing, I have signed up for a plan that will encourage me to cook each day for my family and not eat out. This is THE biggest challenge.  I joke that I can’t cook.  That isn’t really the case as much as I don’t like to be rushed and cook.  So this will take both planning and determination on my part!  I have to learn where all my dishes are! 

Success number one: I made my daughter and I breakfast.  Regular scrambled eggs for her and a spinach, mushroom and tomato egg omelet for me.  It was awesome! I might can do this!!!

Today is the New Year’s 90 minute Boot camp at 11 am.  I know that this is going to be a very tough class but it is something I have come to really enjoy and it is what has really changed my life over the past year. 

**side note: go check out !!!

(back on task)  It was so exciting there were 20 people there!  It was a boot camp rendition of “99 bottles of beer on the wall” J. There was the warm-up of 30 sec drills, 8 shuttle runs and 8 shuffle runs. Then the start of the killer workout! You started with 99 jumping jacks, 99 sec wall sit, 99 walking lunges, 99 bicycles, 19 pushups, 9 burpees (I think I am missing something!).  Then 88, then 77, then 66…you get the picture!  At the completion of that great task we did tabata burpees and dips.  Oh but that was not the end, add an eleven minute run!  When the workout was done, I looked as if I had been in the shower but killed 860 calories!  Hello 2013!!!

I knew I had to go to the grocery store but the world needed me to take a shower!  So my daughter and I finally made it to the grocery store to pick out basic staples of veggies, fruit and meat.  We also got items to make Beef Stew and Bison/Beef Chili!  (thank you !!!)

Success number two: The second meal was Turkey, Green beans, and a sweet potato.  The daughter was with me but insisted she needed some fries!  We are taking baby steps with her! Yep, she got fries.  What she didn’t eat, immediately went to the outside trash can so as to not tempt me!!!

I have been fighting a nasty throat issue for about 10 days.  Was on antibiotics but it wasn’t working.  So I decided to head back to the doctor.  This time it was a steroid to help with inflammation and I was told not to work out for two days.  Is it silly that I cried at that! 

Success number three: I chopped and chopped and chopped!  The beef stew is in the crock pot ready to go!  My eyes are still watering from onions and jalapenos but this stew is going to be awesome!  Now for dinner - not a huge success.  I didn’t feel well.  I got the little one fed but I just couldn’t fathom swallowing.  So I did manage to get down a sweet potato and some green beans but then I went to bed!

So day one of the challenge is to an end!  I feel very accomplished and good!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Can I do this?

Hello world!

I find this bizarre that I am writing a blog!  I assure my life is busy but BORING!  My primary purpose for doing the blog is to have accountability measures in my physical and spiritual activities and a desire to keep a healthy lifestyle!  Also, as a way to capture how I was feeling through the process!

However; I guess if you are choosing to gander at this, I should let you know a little about who I am!

My loves are simple: Faith, Family and friends!

The title of my blog is Phil413Soul2Sole because the scripture Philippians 4:13 really does sum up my life!  “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” My Lord and Savior has helped me through the darkest times and allowed me to soar on His wings at the highest of highs. There are many times that I ran very far from God…I praise Him daily that He did not forsake me! Instead, He waited patiently for my rebellions to cease and for me to again seek Him!  He has accepted me back with loving arms…every time!  God is good all the time!!!

I have an amazing Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-law, 2 nephews and a niece!  They keep me grounded and laughing!  They are the reason I am who I am (good and bad! Ha).  I am married to the most patient, loving, sweet, understanding man God could have placed on this earth!!!!  We have been married 10 years and have one sweet, crazy, mini-me daughter!  I work crazy hours and I keep going 90 mph most of the time!  I could do nothing and would be nothing without the man God put in my life!

I have the most awesome friends on the planet!  They challenge, encourage, and teach me things all the time!  When I look back over the last few years, these friends have become more like family.  It is awesome to see scripture lived out…”a friend is closer than a brother.”

Over the last three years, I have developed a “liking” for running. It is an action that began out of a dire need to clear my mind and think through struggles, successes or issues.  My husband, ever the supportive one, would start with me!  I was lucky to get 200 feet before I thought I was going to die!  It had to be comical for anyone watching.  But he continued to support me.  Then after work, I would come home put on my shoes, grab my ipod and go.  I had downloaded the Couch25k plan and read it over.  Certainly, I could do that!  Luckily along with my husband, a friend was also learning to run!  Together, we were crazy enough to sign up for our first 5k and make our husbands join us.  Then we were hooked! It is good for my soul and it is good for my body!!  That is what I call a win/win! 

This past year, I continued running and added boot camp.  The group I joined, well the name fits them well, The Badass Army!!   When I started, the thought of doing “boy” push-ups was a dream!  As 2012 just completed, I can now do those and so much more!  The confidence and strength it has created is out of this world!  You should definitely check out our Drill Sgt and her website!  She is, in one word, AWESOME! (go ahead, check it out!  Her site is way cooler than this blog!...really, I'll wait for you to return!) Okay, welcome back...great site right???  I'll continue now!

So that brings us to this point!  A new year of goals!  I rarely make New Year’s Resolutions but this year I wanted to make them and make them public!  AHHH! 

Goal 1: Seek Christ and His goals for my life with a heart abandoned.  Make Him my focus and desire throughout all my other activities
Goal 2: Take time to realize the amazing blessing that are in my life daily.  Don’t take them for granted!
Goal 3: Complete 13 in 2013.  The goal is to complete 13 races (10k, half) in 2013.
Goal 4: Complete Whole 30 Challenge
Goal 5: Participate and Lead the “Run for God” Bible Study

This blog will just be my experiences through all of these.  I am definitely not paid or asked to promote any websites that will be seen.  If they helped me, I thought they might help or encourage you!  I am not any kind of expert in exercise or nutrition.  I am an average person trying to figure out this stuff like the next person!  Sometimes with success and sometimes failure surrounded by a comedy of errors!!!  All of it makes me better and makes me able to relate to others!  God can use any of my professed “mess-ups” to lead people and draw people to Him! 

So here goes my journey!!!