Wednesday, July 23, 2014

FINALLY - out of hiding! 5 Steps that helped me overcome my INTIMIDATION towards fitness

Have you ever been intimidated, afraid, and/or insecure?  I can remember almost 4 years ago feeling all of these!  I was not in the healthiest state and I wanted a change. I ran into a young lady whom I met through work and she looked fantastic.  I garnered enough nerve to ask what she had done.  She mentioned she had a trainer and gave me her name. 

I looked her up; I emailed her and asked what she had available.  She was all booked but said I could come to her group classes or to her small groups that met at 5:30 AM.  I’m sorry, WHEN????? 

I waited….time passed and I wasn’t getting any healthier.  I kept an eye on her FB sight and found she had boot camps.  Maybe I could get to a class at 6 AM BUT could I do the class?  Would I be embarrassed when I was sucking wind!  Would everyone be super fit like her and look at me like a crazy person?  Would I know anyone…oh gawd, would I know anyone?  If I know them, then won’t I be embarrassed?  If I don’t know anyone, who will I talk to and will I be accepted?

Finally, I got up enough nerve to sign-up for a class.  I drove to the location and sat there in my car.  I was going to throw up before I ever started working out!  I walked in the door, introduced myself to the trainer and looked around.  Yep there were some really fit people there….and some people that looked normal! (what does that mean!?)  The trainer was SO nice.  Then the other students introduced themselves to me.  That class was tough!  As I drove home, I didn’t know if I could push the brake but I felt awesome! 

I immediately signed up for another class!

The more I went the more confident I became.  Also, those other students were so welcoming.  They were so encouraging.  They were so badass! 

Fast forward a few years, I now have the opportunity to actually teach a couple classes. I have the opportunity to encourage even more and welcome each new face that walks through the door.  I am different.  My body does look different.  I can confidently say that I am fit.  I don’t know why I feel as though I need to apologize for that at times.  It wasn’t easy but it has been so worth it. 

There were FIVE things I realized when I wanted to start.  Maybe these things will encourage those who seem a little intimidated to start their fitness journey:

1.      I had to want a healthy lifestyle MORE than listening to the fears that echoed in my head.

2.      I had to sign-up!  I am cheap!  I knew once I signed up, I would go!

3.      I might have waited until the last minute BUT I had to walk in the door.  This goes with number 2 a little.  It is one thing to sign-up, wake-up and drive to the facility…I had to actually go in the door! I can still feel the vomit in my throat!

4.      I had to give it my all (albeit, quietly in the corner!).  That is all that is required.  Give it what you have!  This wasn’t about anyone else.  It was about me!

5.      I was amazed!  Amazed that I could do more than I thought possible.  Amazed that these “super fit” people were so nice and encouraging.  Amazed at how quickly I couldn’t wait to get back and cause such pain to my body! 

I realize that Facebook posts, twitter, Instagram and all other social media avenues can make people interested in fitness seem crazy (I think insane is the word used mostly).  I hate to think that anything I would post would make anyone feel intimidated to walk in the door and find what works for them in a fitness healthier lifestyle journey.  This would never be my intention!  It is meant to do quite the opposite.  I am so thankful for the journey.  I am thankful for the encouragement I receive.  I am thankful for the friendships that have been and continue to be created.  I am thankful for the confidence this journey has built in my life.  I am grateful that I have the opportunity to share so much more than a few exercises with people when they walk in the door.  A light…I want to be a light, an encourager, a person that stands beside people and cheers them on as they reach goals!  Come join us!  Take the first 4 steps and see if you also experience the 5th!

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