Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Family time can be so COLORful and RAD!!!

Have you ever made plans and as they get closer you wonder, "What in the WORLD was I thinking?" That occurred for me this past weekend.  I signed up several months ago for a Color Me Rad run in South Florida with our entire family.  It sounded like a wonderful plan at the time.  I DID realize it was in my busy season but really, how bad could it be?  Well, last week was just slammed and crazy!!  First, my sweet hubby had work out of town all week.  I was a "single" mom and work was cra-zy.  Luckily, I have the best parents in the WORLD!  So they really helped me out.  I knew I would be getting off work post 5 PM on Friday and having to drive several hours to get to South Florida.  This isn't anything that hasn't been done many times in the past.  BUT this past week, my sleep was very deprived!  Also, I needed to be back at work Sunday.  AHHH!!!!  BUT we serve an Awesome God!  At the last minute, I was able to catch a ride to south Florida.  That meant I wasn't driving alone and getting drowsy!  Instead, I was able to catch up with a friend and enjoy the journey!  It also meant that I got to hitch a ride back with my parents, AKA SLEEP on the journey back!!!!

BUT the best part was the time in between!  My entire family, my sister's family and my parents all did a 5k together!  It was a first 5k for my parents and nephews!!  I am soooo proud of them! 

Here is a before picture:

Here is an after with my nephews:
My job was to make sure that my nephews didn't run too fast as they had baseball immediately following the race.  Those little boogers are FAST!!!  I held them back until they could see the finish line.  Then, well, I just let them go!!! 

It isn't often that you can have a true family fun day that includes exercise!  I am looking forward to the next one!  It was suppose to happen on April 6th BUT my nephews baseball schedule has messed up that running event!  We are looking at the calendar to set a date!  The little girls can hit the 1 miler and the rest can hit a 5k.  Maybe the slogan should be "A family that runs together lives long together!"

This was a great weekend that merged so many of my loves!  My Awesome God who provided rest for the weary, My family, and running....and who doesn't love a little color in their life! 

I am one proud Aunt!  My nephews are quite the ball players!  I realize I am bias!  But here is a pic post their gaame.  I believe the catcher and the 3rd baseman were the best on the entire team!!! The two lil cuties are pretty awesome too!

I do not knw what is wrong with me!!!!!  had a bit of a spontaneous hair and signed up for a half marathon on Saturday!  HA!  It should be fun!  I am not sure how to cage this...am i insane or do i know that running brings me sanity!?   Either way, Here is to a GREAT week!!! 

Get out there, sweat and share what God does in your life! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

It's a GREEN kinda week!

I can easily say that my busy season has hit and it is kicking my tail!  I am still trying to figure out how to manage my calendar to work-out, work and spend some time with family!  On Friday, I feel like I have been hit by a MACK truck!!  However, I cannot imagine what i would feel like if I didn't work out and have my eating habits under control!  I will keep the focus and realize that "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength!"  It is keeping my eyes on Him and taking time with Him, that the rest all seems to fall into the proper place!!

Last weekend was the annual Shamrock Scurry 5k!  This run occurs in my neighborhood by a local church and is such a great event!  This year a good number of the #badass army was able to "green-out" and get some shamrock luck!!!  You know it is going to be a fun run when the announcer says that the first mile is an awesome down hill track....BUT what goes down MUST go up!! 

Our fun lil running buddies also were able to run!  RJ ran the 5k!  Lil LC ran the run mile and both did fantastic!

When i returned home, I was so excited to see a package in the mail!  FINALLY - my #sweatpink attire had arrived!!!  If you are interested in showing that fit girls are fun and want some pink laces, let me know!!!!  I will be happy to send some your direction for FREE!

Never a family to slow down, I am on the road this weekend! The entire fam will participate in a Color Run/ Vero Beach!  It will be my nephews first 5k!  Color Runs are so fun and stress free!!  I can't wait to post pictures later!  

I wanted to end with a piece of motivation that I snatched from a friend's FaceBook page!  It hit home with me and i hope it will for you too!!!

I don't know how it is in your area but Tallahassee is beautiful right now!!!  I wish I could be outside more often than I am!!  So get out there, be active and see what the future holds!  I hope to never let the OLD me be seen in the FUTURE mirror!!

Live and Let God!